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1400 EUR

Côte d’Ivoire


Annuncio: (Email:  Acquista un cucciolo di bassotto
Annuncio: (Email: Acquista un cucciolo di bassotto

Comprare cucciolo di bassotto (cane) | Cucciolo di bassotto in vendita Acquista cucciolo bassotto online. I bassotti, noti anche come Wieners, cani da distintivo o cani da salsiccia, sono cani da caccia con gambe corte e corpo lungo. Possono essere lisci, a filo oa pelo lungo. I bassotti di taglia standard sono stati sviluppati per annusare, inseguire e lavare via distintivi e altri animali scavatori, mentre i piccoli bassotti sono stati utilizzati per cacciare piccoli animali come conigli e topi. Negli Stati Uniti occidentali, vengono anche utilizzati per rintracciare cervi feriti e cacciare cani della prateria . Sito web più consigliato per acquistare Dachshund Puppy online. Cucciolo di bassotto in vendita. Acquista Bassotto in Germania, Italia, Spagna, Belgio, Paesi Bassi, Svezia, Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Australia, Canada, Irlanda, Svezia, Polonia, Portogallo, Svizzera, Argentina. WhatsApp 1: +393512817473 | se ti trovi nell'UE WhatsApp 2: +447537130926 | se ti trovi nel Regno Unito e in Irlanda WhatsApp 3: +17754640609 | se risiedi negli Stati Uniti. Canada e Australia E-mail: Se vuoi giocare a prendere e frisbee con un cane, allora il bassotto è la scelta ideale. Alla razza piace socializzare e stare vicino al suo proprietario. Felice di giocare con i bambini, avrai un compagno per trascorrere molto tempo insieme nel parco. Il bassotto è stato allevato in Germania centinaia di anni fa per cacciare i tassi. "Dach" significa tasso e "hund" significa cane. Le tre varietà di bassotto, liscio, a filo ea pelo lungo, hanno avuto origine in tempi diversi. Il liscio è stato il primo e nasceva da una miscela di un pointer francese in miniatura e un pinscher. La razza è disponibile anche in due taglie: standard e in miniatura, con lo standard la dimensione originale. Il bassotto ha zampe corte e forti che consentono al cane di scavare la preda e di entrare nelle tane. Versioni più grandi della razza sono state utilizzate per inseguire cervi o volpi. I bassotti più piccoli venivano allevati per la caccia di lepri e furetti. La razza è ancora utilizzata per la caccia, principalmente in Europa, ma in Nord America questo cane è solitamente un animale domestico di famiglia. In effetti, è una delle razze AKC più popolari. Acquista Bassotto in Germania, Italia, Spagna, Belgio, Paesi Bassi, Svezia, Stati Uniti, Regno Unito, Australia, Canada, Irlanda, Svezia, Polonia, Portogallo, Svizzera, Argentina. Ordina il cucciolo di bassotto online Bassotto cuccioli di bassotto Bassotto mini Bassotto cane nero bassotto mini bassotti montagna d'oro scarabocchio Bassotti in vendita rosso Bassotto Bassotto nero Bassotto pieno cresciuto Bassotto nomi adulto mini Bassotto dimensione Bassotto in miniatura Bassotti bianco Bassotto cuccioli Bassotto tagli di capelli golden retriever Doodle mini bassotti in vendita Bassotto mescolare ciò che è un bassotto? Foto di bassotto bassotto adulto I bassotti sono energici, rumorosi e profondi e suoneranno sicuramente un allarme quando gli ospiti li vedranno, ma per ovvi motivi non sono adatti alla custodia dei cani. I bassotti possono essere molto divertenti e richiedono molta attenzione sociale ogni giorno. Sono anche spesso escavatori ed escavatori, e non è raro trovarli a scavare buche nel cortile o scavare nelle coperte sul letto. Dove posso acquistare Dachshund Puppy (Dog)? Cucciolo di Bassotto (Cane) in vendita Online Hai bisogno di un cucciolo di bassotto o di un cane bassotto adulto? WhatsApp 1: +393512817473 | se ti trovi nell'UE WhatsApp 2: +447537130926 | se ti trovi nel Regno Unito e in Irlanda WhatsApp 3: +17754640609 | se risiedi negli Stati Uniti. Canada e Australia E-mail: Dove posso trovare un cane? Come posso ordinare un cucciolo di bassotto (cane)? Dove acquistare bassotto cucciolo (cane)? Acquista online il cucciolo di bassotto (cane). Ordina online il cucciolo di bassotto (cane). Cucciolo di Bassotto (Cane) in vendita Online. Voglio acquistare un cucciolo di bassotto (cane). Dove acquistare Bassotto Puppy (Dog). Voglio acquistare un cucciolo di bassotto (cane). Dove posso trovare Dachshund Puppy (Dog). Cucciolo di bassotto economico (cane). Cucciolo di bassotto forte (cane). Bassotto Puppy (Dog) 2020. Bassotto Puppy (Dog) Consegna online il giorno successivo. Bassotto cucciolo (cane) durante la notte. Miglior sito web per cuccioli di bassotto (cane). 2024, 2023, 2021, 2022, Acquista cucciolo bassotto (cane) online, cucciolo bassotto (cane), acquista cucciolo bassotto (cane), ordina cucciolo bassotto (cane) online, dove acquistare cucciolo bassotto (cane), dove, bassotto Cucciolo (cane) in vendita online, dove posso ordinare cucciolo bassotto (cane) online, dove posso, dove compro, dove si trova cucciolo bassotto (cane) in vendita online. ...

rosso Bassotto 

10 EUR



Annonce: (Email:  Acheter chiot teckel
Annonce: (Email: Acheter chiot teckel

Acheter Chiot teckel (chien) | Chiot teckel à vendre Achetez Dachshund Puppy en ligne. Les teckels, également connus sous le nom de Wieners, chiens de badge ou chiens de saucisse, sont des chiens de chasse à pattes courtes et au corps long. Ils peuvent être lisses, fil de fer ou à poil long. Des teckels de taille standard ont été développés pour renifler, chasser et laver les badges et autres animaux fouisseurs, tandis que les petits teckels étaient utilisés pour chasser les petits animaux tels que les lapins et les souris. Dans l'ouest des États-Unis, ils sont également utilisés pour suivre les cerfs blessés et chasser les chiens de prairie . Site Web le plus recommandé pour acheter Dachshund Puppy en ligne. Teckel chiot à vendre. Achetez Teckel en Allemagne, Italie, Espagne, Belgique, Pays-Bas, Suède, États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Australie, Canada, Irlande, Suède, Pologne, Portugal, Suisse, Argentine. WhatsApp 1: +393512817473 | si vous résidez dans l'UE WhatsApp 2: +447537130926 | si vous résidez au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande WhatsApp 3: +17754640609 | si vous résidez aux États-Unis. Canada et Australie Courriel: Si vous voulez jouer à la récupération et au frisbee avec un chien, alors Teckel est un choix idéal. La race aime socialiser et être proche de son propriétaire. Heureux de jouer avec les enfants, vous aurez un partenaire pour passer suffisamment de temps ensemble dans le parc. Le teckel a été élevé en Allemagne il y a des centaines d'années pour chasser le blaireau. «Dach» signifie blaireau et «hund» signifie chien. Les trois variétés de teckel, à poil lisse, fil de fer et à poil long, sont originaires de périodes différentes. Le lisse était le premier et provenait d'un mélange d'un pointeur français miniature et d'un pinscher. La race est également disponible en deux tailles: standard et miniature, la taille standard étant la taille d'origine. Le teckel a des pattes courtes et solides qui lui permettent de déterrer sa proie et de pénétrer dans des terriers. Des versions plus grandes de la race étaient utilisées pour chasser le cerf ou le renard. Les petits teckels étaient élevés pour chasser les lièvres et les furets. Commandez Dachshund Puppy en ligne Teckel Teckel chiots teckel mini teckel chien noir teckel mini teckels montagne d' or doodle teckels vente rouge teckel teckel noir teckel plein développement noms teckel adulte mini teckel taille teckel miniature teckels blanc Teckel chiots teckel coupes de cheveux golden retriever doodle mini teckels à vendre teckel mélanger ce qui est un teckel? Photos de Pourquoi acheter chez nous? Vous pouvez acheter Dachshund Puppy en ligne sur notre site Web à un prix bas et abordable. Nous sommes une source de confiance qui travaillera dur pour que votre commande vous parvienne le plus rapidement possible et que les commandes soient livrées de manière discrète. Avec nous, vous êtes assuré que vos commandes seront de la meilleure qualité, contrairement à d'autres vendeurs, qui pourraient vous frauder ou même ne fournir aucun chiot teckel. Que vous soyez un acheteur novice ou un acheteur de retour, notre chiot teckel est le meilleur que vous puissiez obtenir. Nous sommes un groupe de confiance qui continuera à faire ses preuves dans ce secteur. Nous fournissons les commandes que vous souhaitez et nous nous assurons que votre colis vous parvienne de manière sécurisée et discrète. Teckel chiot (chien) à vendre en ligne Avez-vous besoin d'un chiot teckel ou d'un chien teckel adulte? WhatsApp 1: +393512817473 | si vous résidez dans l'UE WhatsApp 2: +447537130926 | si vous résidez au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande WhatsApp 3: +17754640609 | si vous résidez aux États-Unis. Canada et Australie Courriel: Où puis-je trouver un chien? Comment puis-je commander un chiot teckel (chien)? Où acheter chiot teckel (chien)? Achetez Dachshund Puppy (Dog) en ligne. Commandez Dachshund Puppy (Dog) en ligne. Teckel Chiot (Chien) à vendre en ligne. Je veux acheter Dachshund Puppy (Dog). Où acheter Chiot teckel (chien). Je veux acheter Dachshund Puppy (Dog). Où puis-je trouver un chiot teckel (chien). Chiot teckel pas cher (chien). Chiot teckel fort (chien). Dachshund Puppy (Dog) 2020. Dachshund Puppy (Dog) Livraison le lendemain en ligne. Chiot teckel (chien) pendant la nuit. Meilleur site Web de chiot teckel (chien). 2024, 2023, 2021, 2022, Acheter chiot teckel (chien) en ligne, chiot teckel (chien), acheter chiot teckel (chien), commander chiot teckel (chien) en ligne, où acheter chiot teckel (chien), où aller, teckel Chiot (chien) à vendre en ligne, où puis-je commander un chiot teckel (chien) en ligne, où puis-je, où acheter, où est-ce que teckel chiot (chien) à vendre en ligne. ...

noir teckel 

10 EUR




SPECIFICATION Frame Cannondale BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon, integrated cable routing w/ Switchplate, 12x142 Speed Release thru-axle, SAVE, PF30a, flat mount disc, integrated seat binder Fork Cannondale BallisTec Hi-MOD Carbon, SAVE, integrated crown race, 12x100mm Speed Release thru-axle, flat mount disc, internal routing, 1-1/8” to 1-1/4” steerer and 55mm offset (51 and 54cm frame sizes), 1-1/8” to 1-3/8” steerer and 45mm offset (56, 58 and 60cm frame sizes) Headset Cannondale Integrated, 1-1/8” - 1-1/4” (51 and 54cm frame sizes), 1-1/8” - 1-3/8” (56, 58 and 60cm frame sizes) Bottom Bracket SRAM DUB PF30 ROAD73-A Stem HollowGram KNØT, Alloy w/ cable cover, -6 degree Handlebar HollowGram SAVE SystemBar, Carbon, 8 degree pitch adjust Bar Tape Cannondale Bar Tape, 3.5mm Front Brake SRAM Centreline XR hydraulic disc brake, 160mm disc rotor Rear Brake SRAM Centreline XR hydraulic disc brake, 160mm disc rotor Brake Levers SRAM RED eTap AXS HRD, hydraulic disc brake Front Derailleur SRAM RED eTap AXS, braze-on Rear Derailleur SRAM Red eTap AXS, 12-speed Shift Levers SRAM RED eTap AXS HRD, 12-speed Chain SRAM RED, 12-speed Cassette SRAM XG-1290, 10-33, 12-speed Crankset SRAM RED, DUB, 48/35 chainrings Front Wheel Rim Rear Wheel Rim Front Tyre Vittoria Corsa, 700 x 25c, clincher Rear Tyre Vittoria Corsa, 700 x 25c, clincher Saddle Prologo Dimension Nack NDR, carbon rails Seatpost HollowGram 27 SL KNØT, Carbon, 2 bolt clamp, 330mm, 0mm offset (51cm frame size), 15mm offset (54, 56, 58, 60cm frame sizes) Pedals Available to be purchased separately Accessories Cannondale wheel sensor...

Bicycle Road Bike Moutain Bike Frame TRIATHLON BIKE 

3,899 EUR



Ad: (Email : Buy Dachshund puppy
Ad: (Email : Buy Dachshund puppy

Buy Dachshund puppy (dog) | Dachshund puppy for sale Buy Dachshund Puppy Online. Dachshunds, also known as Wieners, badge dogs or sausage dogs, are short-legged, long-bodied, hunting dogs. They may be smooth, wire or long-haired. Standard-sized dachshunds were developed to sniff, chase and wash away badges and other burrowing animals, while small dachshunds were used to hunt small animals such as rabbits and mice. In the western United States, they are also used to track injured deer and hunt prairie dogs. Most recommended website to buy Dachshund Puppy online. Dachshund Puppy for sale. Buy Dachshund in Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, United states, United kingdom, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Argentina. WhatsApp 1: +393512817473 | if you are located in EU WhatsApp 2: +447537130926 | if you are located in UK and Ireland WhatsApp 3 : +17754640609 | if you are located in USA. Canada and Australia E-mail : If you want to play fetch and frisbee with a dog, then Dachshund is an ideal choice. The breed likes to socialize and be close to its owner. Happy to play with the children, you will have a partner to spend ample time together in the park. The dachshund was bred in Germany hundreds of years ago to hunt badgers. “Dach” means badger and “hund” means dog. The three varieties of dachshund, smooth-, wire-,and long-coated, originated at different times. The smooth was the first and arose from a mixture of a miniature French pointer and a pinscher. The breed also comes in two sizes: standard and miniature, with the standard the original size. The dachshund has short, strong legs that enable the dog to dig out prey and go inside burrows. Larger versions of the breed were used to chase deer or fox. Smaller dachshunds were bred for hunting hares and ferrets. The breed is still used for hunting, primarily in Europe, but in North America this dog is usually a family pet. In fact, it is one of the most popular AKC breeds. Buy Dachshund in Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, United states, United kingdom, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Argentina. Order Dachshund Puppy Online Dachshund Dachshund puppies Dachshund mini Dachshund dog black Dachshund mini Dachshunds golden mountain doodle Dachshunds for sale red Dachshund Dachshund black Dachshund full grown Dachshund names adult mini Dachshund Dachshund size miniature Dachshunds white Dachshund puppies Dachshund hair cuts golden retriever doodle mini Dachshunds for sale Dachshund mix what is a Dachshund? full grown Dachshund mini Dachshund pictures Why buy from us? You can buy Dachshund Puppy online from our website at a low and affordable price. We are a trusted source that will work hard to ensure that your order get to you as fast as possible and that the orders are delivered in a discrete way. With us, you are assured that your orders will be of the best quality, unlike other vendors, who might defraud you or even provide no Dachshund Puppy at all. Whether you are a first-timer or a returning buyer, our Dachshund Puppy is the best you can get. We are a trustworthy group that will continue to prove our worth in this industry. We provide the orders you want and we ensure that your package gets to you securely and inconspicuous. As a seller of Dachshund Puppy, we provide you with a range of options for payment and this only emphasizes our flexibility. We sell Dachshund Puppy at low and reasonable prices. However, this does not mean that we make a compromise on quality.. Dachshund Puppy(Dog) for sale Online Do you need a Dachshund Puppy or an Adult Dachshund Dog? WhatsApp 1: +393512817473 | if you are located in EU WhatsApp 2: +447537130926 | if you are located in UK and Ireland WhatsApp 3 : +17754640609 | if you are located in USA. Canada and Australia E-mail : Where can I get a dog? How can I Order Dachshund Puppy(Dog)? Where to Buy Dachshund Puppy(Dog)? Buy Dachshund Puppy(Dog) online. Order Dachshund Puppy(Dog) Online. Dachshund Puppy(Dog) for sale Online. I want to buy Dachshund Puppy(Dog). Where to buy Dachshund Puppy(Dog). I want to buy Dachshund Puppy (Dog). Where can I get Dachshund Puppy(Dog). Cheap Dachshund Puppy (Dog). Strong Dachshund Puppy(Dog). Dachshund Puppy(Dog) 2020. Dachshund Puppy(Dog) Online next day delivery. Dachshund Puppy (Dog) overnight. Best Dachshund Puppy(Dog) Website. 2024, 2023, 2021, 2022, Buy Dachshund Puppy(Dog) Online, Dachshund Puppy (Dog), Buy Dachshund Puppy(Dog), Order Dachshund Puppy(Dog) Online, Where to buy Dachshund Puppy(Dog), where to, Dachshund Puppy(Dog) For Sale Online, Where Do I Order Dachshund Puppy(Dog) Online, where do i, where do i buy, where is Dachshund Puppy(Dog) for sale Online. ...

Buy Dachshund puppy (dog) 

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Technical Specifications FORK Rigid full aluminum disc, Boost™ 12x110mm, front- rack-compatible SEAT BINDER Integrated w/ frame STEM Specialized Stealth Stem, alloy, 14 deg, 31.8mm, integrated TCD mount HANDLEBARS S tout Mini Rise, alloy, 9-degree backsweep, 15mm rise, 31.8mm GRIPS Specialized Body Geometry Contour, lock-on SADDLE Bridge Sport, Steel rails, 155mm SEATPOST Specialized, alloy, dual-bolt, 25mm offset, 27.2mm FRONT BRAKE Tektro HD-R290, hydraulic disc, 160mm REAR BRAKE Tektro HD-R290, hydraulic disc, 160mm REAR DERAILLEUR Shimano Deore, Shadow Plus, GS cage, 10-speed SHIFT LEVERS Shimano Deore, RapidFire Plus, 10-speed w/ Optical Gear Display CASSETTE Shimano Deore, 10spd, 11-42t CHAIN KMC e10S, 10-speed w/ Missing Link™ CRANKSET Praxis, Forged alloy M30, custom offset CHAINRINGS Praxis, 44t, 104BCD RIMS 700C disc, 22mm rim depth, 21mm internal width FRONT HUB Specialized alloy front hub disc, sealed cartridge bearings, 12x110mm, Center Lock™, 24h REAR HUB Specialized alloy rear hub disc, Center Lock™, sealed cartridge bearings, 12x148mm, 28h SPOKES DT Swiss Industry FRONT TIRE Nimbus II Sport Reflect, 700x38mm REAR TIRE Nimbus II Sport Reflect, 700x38mm INNER TUBES Presta, 40mm valve MOTOR Specialized SL 1.1, custom lightweight motor UI/REMOTE Specialized TCU, 10-LED State of charge, 3-LED Ride Mode display, ANT+/Bluetooth® BATTERY Specialized SL1-320, fully integrated, 320Wh CHARGER Custom charger, 48V System w/ SL system charger plug WIRING HARNESS Custom Specialized wiring harness w/ chargeport PEDALS Specialized Commuter w/ grip tape & reflectors HEADLIGHT Lezyne Ebike Hecto STVZO E65, 210Lumens, 12V TAILLIGHT Lezyne Ebike Rear Fender STVZO, 11Lumens, 12V KICKSTAND Specialized kickstand, 40mm mount RACK Turbo SL Rack, Closed Platform, direct fender mount, Racktime-compatible, 15kg FENDERS Specialized DryTech, Aluminum BELL Simple bell...

Bicycle Road Bike Moutain Bike Frame 

1,616 EUR




Specifications Frameset Frame OCLV Mountain Carbon main frame & stays, internal storage, tapered head tube, Knock Block 2.0, Control Freak internal routing, Carbon Armor, shuttle guard, threaded BB, ISCG 05, 34.9mm seat tube, magnesium rocker link, Mino Link, ABP, Boost148, 160mm travel Fork Fox Rhythm 36, Float EVOL air spring, GRIP damper, tapered steerer, 44mm offset, Boost110, 15mm Kabolt axle, 170mm travel Shock Fox Performance DPX2, EVOL air spring, DPX2 damper, 230x62.5mm Max compatible fork travel 180mm (596mm axle-to-crown) Wheels Wheel front Bontrager Line Comp 30, Tubeless Ready, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15mm thru axle Wheel rear Bontrager Line Comp 30, Tubeless Ready, Rapid Drive 54, 6-bolt, Shimano 8/9/10 freehub, Boost148, 12mm thru axle Hub front Bontrager alloy, sealed bearing, alloy axle, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15mm thru axle Skewer rear Bontrager Switch thru axle, removable lever *Tire Size: S , M , ML , L , XL Bontrager XR4 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Inner Strength sidewall, aramid bead, 120 tpi, 29x2.40'' Size: S , M , ML , L , XL Bontrager XR5 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Inner Strength sidewall, aramid bead, 120 tpi, 29x2.60'' *Tire part Size: S , M , ML , L , XL Bontrager TLR sealant, 6oz Size: S , M , ML , L , XL Bontrager TLR valve, 50mm Rim strip Bontrager TLR Max tire size Frame: 29x2.50" Fork: See manufacturer Drivetrain Shifter SRAM NX Eagle, 12 speed Rear derailleur SRAM GX Eagle *Crank Size: S SRAM X1 Eagle, DUB, 30T steel ring, Boost (55mm chainline), 170mm length Size: M , ML , L , XL SRAM X1 Eagle, DUB, 30T steel ring, Boost (55mm chainline), 175mm length Bottom bracket SRAM DUB MTB Wide, 73mm, BSA threaded Cassette SRAM PG-1230 Eagle, 11-50, 12 speed Chain SRAM NX Eagle, 12 speed Max chainring size Max: 34T, Min 28T Components Saddle Bontrager Arvada, hollow chromoly rails, 138mm width *Seatpost Size: S TranzX JD-YSP39, 100mm travel, internal routing, 34.9mm Size: M , ML TranzX JD-YSP39, 150mm travel, internal routing, 34.9mm Size: L , XL TranzX JD-YSP39, 170mm travel, internal routing, 34.9mm Handlebar Bontrager Line, alloy, 35mm, 27.5mm rise, 820mm width Grips Bontrager XR Trail Pro, alloy lock-on Stem Bontrager Line, 35mm, Knock Block, 0 degree, 40mm length Headset Knock Block 2.0 Integrated, 72-degree radius (includes infinite-radius chip), sealed cartridge bearing, 1-1/8'' top, 1.5'' bottom Brake SRAM Code R 4-piston hydraulic disc *Brake rotor Size: S , M , ML , L , XL SRAM CenterLine, 6-bolt, round edge, 180mm Size: S , M , ML , L , XL SRAM CenterLine, 6-bolt, round edge, 200mm Accessories Bag Bontrager BITS Internal Frame Storage Bag Weight Weight M - 14.46 kg / 31.87 lbs (with TLR sealant, no tubes) Weight limit This bike has a maximum total weight limit (combined weight of bicycle, rider, and cargo) of 300 pounds (136 kg)....

Bicycle Road Bike Moutain Bike Frame TRIATHLON BIKE 

2,366 EUR




SizesS, M, L, XL ColorsChrysocolla/Astral Aura/Chrome FrameAdvanced-Grade Composite front and rear triangles, 135mm Maestro suspension, flip chip ForkFox 36 Factory Live Valve, 150mm, FIT4 damper, Boost 15x110 Kabolt, 44mm offset, custom tuned for Giant ShockFox Float DPX2 Factory Live Valve, 185/55, custom tuned for Giant HandlebarGiant Contact SLR Trail, composite, 35 StemGiant Contact SL 35 SeatpostFox Transfer Factory dropper with Shimano remote, 30.9 SaddleGiant Romero SL, SST rails PedalsN/A ShiftersShimano Deore XT Front DerailleurN/A Rear DerailleurShimano Deore XTR, Shadow+ BrakesShimano Deore XT hydraulic 4-piston (F:203mm, R:180mm) Brake LeversShimano Deore XT CassetteShimano Deore XT, 12-speed, 10x51 ChainShimano Deore XT CranksetShimano Deore XT, 30t with MRP AMG V2 Carbon guide Bottom BracketShimano, press fit RimsGiant TRX-1 29 Carbon WheelSystem, 30mm inner HubsGiant TRX-1 29 WheelSystem, Boost SpokesGiant TRX-1 29 WheelSystem, DBL technology Tires[F] Maxxis Minion DHF, tubeless, 29x2.5, WT, 3C, MaxxTerra, EXO, TR [R] Maxxis Dissector, tubeless, 29x2.4, WT, 3C, MaxxTerra, EXO, TR ExtrasTubeless prepared Weight The most accurate way to determine any bike’s weight is to have your local dealer weigh it for you. Many brands strive to list the lowest possible weight, but in reality weight can vary based on size, finish, hardware and accessories. All our bikes are designed for best-in-class weight and ride quality....

Bicycle Road Bike Moutain Bike Frame TRIATHLON BIKE 

4,233 EUR




Specifications Frameset Frame 500 Series OCLV Carbon, KVF (Kammtail Virtual Foil) tube shape, BB90, Speed Fin compatible, DuoTrap compatible, SC Draft Box 2 & SC Speed Box 2 compatible Fork SC full foil carbon, integrated brake & stem Frame fit Triathlon Wheels Wheel front Bontrager Aeolus Comp, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 100x5mm QR Wheel rear Bontrager Aeolus Comp, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, Shimano 11-speed freehub, 130x5mm QR Tire Bontrager R2 Hard-Case Lite, aramid bead, 60 tpi, 700x25c Max tire size 25c Bontrager tires (with at least 4mm of clearance to frame) Drivetrain Shifter Shimano Dura-Ace, bar end, 11 speed Front derailleur Shimano Ultegra R8000, braze-on Rear derailleur Shimano Ultegra R8000, short cage, 30T max cog *Crank Size: S Shimano Ultegra R8000, 50/34 (compact), 165mm length Size: M Shimano Ultegra R8000, 50/34 (compact), 170mm length Size: L Shimano Ultegra R8000, 50/34 (compact), 172.5mm length Size: XL Shimano Ultegra R8000, 50/34 (compact), 175mm length Bottom bracket Trek BB90 Cassette Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-28, 11 speed Chain Shimano Ultegra HG701, 11-speed Components Saddle Bontrager Hilo Comp, hollow chromoly rails *Seatpost Size: S Bontrager Speed Concept Race Lite, alloy, +/-20mm offset, 275mm length Size: M, L, XL Bontrager Speed Concept Race Lite, alloy, +/-20mm offset, 335mm length Handlebar Bontrager Speed Concept KVF aero bar, carbon, direct mount, UCI legal Handlebar tape Bontrager Gel Cork tape *Stem Size: S Bontrager Speed Concept, direct mount, 69mm rise, 67mm reach Size: S, M, L, XL Bontrager Speed Concept, direct mount Size: M, L, XL Bontrager Speed Concept, direct mount, 61mm rise, 110mm reach Brake Bontrager Speed Limit integrated, Bontrager Race Lite aero levers Brake lever Bontrager Race Lite aero Weight Weight M - 9.09 kg / 20.05 lbs Weight limit This bike has a maximum total weight limit (combined weight of bicycle, rider, and cargo) of 275 pounds (125 kg)....

Bicycle Road Bike Moutain Bike Frame TRIATHLON BIKE 

2,066 EUR




Specifications *spec applies to all sizes unless otherwise noted Frameset Frame OCLV Mountain Carbon main frame & stays, internal storage, tapered head tube, Knock Block 2.0, Control Freak internal routing, Carbon Armor, shuttle guard, threaded BB, ISCG 05, 34.9mm seat tube, magnesium rocker link, Mino Link, ABP, Boost148, 160mm travel Fork RockShox ZEB Ultimate, DebonAir spring, Charger 2.1 RC2 damper, tapered steerer, 44mm offset, Boost110, 15mm Maxle Stealth, 170mm travel Shock NEW RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate, DebonAir spring, Thru Shaft 3-position damper, 230x62.5mm Max compatible fork travel 180mm (596mm axle-to-crown) Wheels Wheel front NEW Bontrager Line Elite 30, OCLV Mountain Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15mm thru axle Wheel rear Bontrager Line Elite 30, OCLV Mountain Carbon, Tubeless Ready, Rapid Drive 108, 6-bolt, SRAM XD driver, Boost148, 12mm thru axle Hub front Bontrager alloy, sealed bearing, alloy axle, 6-bolt, Boost110, 15mm thru axle Hub rear Bontrager alloy, sealed bearing, 6-bolt, 108T Rapid Drive, SRAM XD driver, Boost148, 12mm thru axle Skewer rear Bontrager Switch thru axle, removable lever *Tire Size: S , M , ML , L , XL Bontrager SE4 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Core Strength sidewall, aramid bead, 60 tpi, 29x2.40'' Size: S , M , ML , L , XL Bontrager SE5 Team Issue, Tubeless Ready, Core Strength sidewall, aramid bead, 60 tpi, 29x2.60'' *Tire part Size: S , M , ML , L , XL Bontrager TLR sealant, 6oz Size: S , M , ML , L , XL Bontrager TLR valve, 50mm Rim strip Bontrager TLR Max tire size Frame: 29x2.50" Fork: See manufacturer Drivetrain Shifter SRAM X01 Eagle, 12 speed Rear derailleur SRAM X01 Eagle *Crank Size: S SRAM X01 Eagle, DUB, 30T alloy ring, Boost (55mm chainline), 170mm length Size: M , ML , L , XL SRAM X01 Eagle, DUB, 30T alloy ring, Boost (55mm chainline), 175mm length *Bottom bracket Size: S , M , ML , L , XL SRAM DUB MTB Wide, 73mm, BSA threaded Size: S , M , ML , L , XL SRAM DUB, 73mm, BSA threaded Cassette SRAM Eagle XG-1275, 10-52, 12 speed Chain SRAM GX Eagle, 12 speed Max chainring size Max: 34T, Min 28T Components Saddle Bontrager Arvada, austenite rails, 138mm width *Seatpost Size: S Bontrager Line Elite Dropper, 100mm travel, MaxFlow, internal routing, 34.9mm, 345mm length Size: M , ML Bontrager Line Elite Dropper, 150mm travel, MaxFlow, internal routing, 34.9mm, 440mm length Size: L Bontrager Line Elite Dropper, 170mm travel, MaxFlow, internal routing, 34.9mm, 485mm length Size: XL Bontrager Line Elite Dropper, 200mm travel, MaxFlow, internal routing, 34.9mm, 550mm length Handlebar Bontrager Line Pro, OCLV Carbon, 35mm, 27.5mm rise, 820mm width Grips Bontrager XR Trail Pro, alloy lock-on Stem Bontrager Line Pro, 35mm, Knock Block, Blendr compatible, 0 degree, 35mm length Headset Knock Block 2.0 Integrated, 72-degree radius (includes infinite-radius chip), sealed cartridge bearing, 1-1/8'' top, 1.5'' bottom Brake SRAM Code RSC 4-piston hydraulic disc *Brake rotor Size: S , M , ML , L , XL SRAM CenterLine, 6-bolt, round edge, 180mm Size: S , M , ML , L , XL SRAM CenterLine, 6-bolt, round edge, 200mm Accessories Bag Bontrager BITS Internal Frame Storage Bag Weight Weight M - 14.12 kg / 31.14 lbs (with TLR sealant, no tubes) Weight limit This bike has a maximum total weight limit (combined weight of bicycle, rider, and cargo) of 300 pounds (136 kg)....

Bicycle Road Bike Moutain Bike Frame 

4,189 EUR



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South Africa


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