Front End Loader Training in Ermelo Witbank Nelspruit Secunda Belfast 0716482558/0736930317

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Dump Truck
Front End Loader
Mobile crane
LHD Scoop
Boiler Making
Drill Rig
Tractor Loader Backhoe
Tell: 013 5160095
Call 0716482558/0736930317

Town / City / village:Witbank - South Africa
Creation Date10.09.2020
Ad number:6601
CategoryEducation, courses and trainings
Keywords:mining, skills, training

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In general we believe that all our announcer and services providers are genuine. But In order to avoid been fooled and for your own personal safety, always meet the seller in a public places or at least not in isolated places. It's probably a good idea if you bring a friend as well to witness the transaction

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